I know the clotheshorse http://theclothes.blogspot.com/ posted this a while back but the project is similar to yesterdays post.
Oringina xo
I finally got around to doing that D.I.Y. tights project I mentioned ages back. A brief visit to Target rewarded me with several pairs of tights for an average of $2.00 each. Most I don't think I will alter in any way, but I felt these bright blue ones would work well for my little project (yellow would have been better, but these would do).
I couldn't quite figure out a way to give the tights the shape of my legs without wearing, so (against my previous instructions) I wore them while drawing on them! I layered a pair of black opaques underneath and used a sharpie marker to create the design. I may go in an darken the lines again, but they're darker than they appear in these images, since the flash alters the appearance of the tights somewhat.
So, here in all their symbolic vain glory are my new peacock feather tights:
![theclotheshorse, daily, outfit, personal, style, thrifted, customised](http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z301/theclotheshorse/theclotheshorse2/IMG_4601.jpg)
![tights, peacock, feathers, drawing, DIY](http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z301/theclotheshorse/theclotheshorse2/IMG_4602.jpg)
![tights, peacock, feathers, drawing, customized](http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z301/theclotheshorse/theclotheshorse2/IMG_4607.jpg)
![tights, peacock, feather, fashion, style](http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z301/theclotheshorse/theclotheshorse2/IMG_4606.jpg)