How do you get your inspiration for the outfits you wear ?
My main sources of inspiration are the wardrobe_remix community and nubbytwiglet.com
Who has had the biggest fashon influence on your outfits ?
I'd say Nubby Twiglet, it was through her outfits that I fell in love with wedge heels, which I buy whenever I get the chance now : )
What blogs and websites do you follow and why ?
Other than nubbytwiglet.com I mostly follow blogs related to my professional passion, eLearning and instructional design blogs, I do this through the links my Twitter network updates me on.
Does the hosiery you wear dictate the clothes,outfit you wear ?
Yes, sometimes I base outfits around my tights, just got a teal and rubine colors from welovecolors.com and plan to build outfits around them.
What is in your hosiery drawer or closet ?
A few knee highs with unique prints I picked up at Pippi's Longstockings in Fort Bragg, CA Lots of black tights (I snatch them up whenever I can), red, yellow, blue, purple, polka dots, red fishnets, black fishnets, stars, just got some Betsy Johnson cashmere cozy heart cut-out tights.
How do you choose your hosiery ?
Look for unusual prints and colors that go with my clothing, most of my clothing is black/red/white
Where do you shop for hoseiry ?
Target, welovecolors.com, locally owned boutiques
What was the last item of hosiery you brought, how much you spent etc ?
Bestsey Johnson Cashmere Cozy Heart tights, most expense ones I've ever bought - $50
Do you physically like the feel of tights and touch ? Do your legs ache less, prefer than pants ? not thought about it ?
I really don't like wearing pants, so tights save all my skirts & dresses in the winter