I love it because winter is well on its way out and spring is here which of course means warmer weather, which
means new summer clothes - yippee!
I hate it because its not really warm enough to be wearing the summer clothes that are in the shops at the moment.
You also haven't had time to go shopping...and your last summers fashion offerings really won't cut it on the fashion front this season.
Then of course the sudden increase in temperature brings us the big "tight dilemma" - is it really warm enough to ditch the 60 denier tights that have been your attire for the last winter months? After all they cover up a number of
sins and for those of us that hate our legs they create great pins but they also open up a whole new wardrobe as we can get away with wearing all those cute smock and mini dresses that us girlies are all loving at the moment.
You feel more confident with the added security of tights.
Those heavy nylons make life so much easier to get ready for work, as it just takes three easy pieces - dress, tights, shoes, hey presto - and out the door you go with a spring in your step.
Not anymore. Those days are over for another six months. Now we get up, look out of the window, try and second guess the weather as its really too early to see what it is going to do, you check the wardrobe only to find that you have nothing to wear.
If I go for tights my life would be easier but when it gets hot later in the day they will look horrid in the harsh light of sunlight. They can go from sexy to frumpy in an instant and when you look around you're the only one donning a pair of saggy tights and you feel like something from the dark ages.
Or do you get your horrid excuse for legs out and show them off to the world only feel conscious of the as you walk around the office?
It really is a crisis.
What is the answer!?
We'll, I've been watching the ladies on the way to work and my research proves that the city girls are the first to bare all. They've been waiting for this since Christmas - and have been experimenting with fake tans and sun beds since the Christmas before that - but frankly I'm not sure that blotchy orange legs are the way forward either.
As for those self developing numbers - they streak! Do these girls not have mirrors? I'm sure they do, as I'm sure they spend eighty per cent of the time looking at themselves in them. Meooooowwww.
Anyway this still doesn't solve my tight dilemma. What about leggings I hear you cry!? Well, over thirties just shouldn't wear them unless they have tight butts and are wearing them to the gym.
The only answer is go shopping (as if we need an excuse), for trousers...which is a mission in itself.
The shops are starting to stock some rather cute narrow legged numbers that look cute with pumps and shirts - very Mod. There are also the wide-legged trousers that also cover a number of sins and worn with killer heels can look quite fetching.
If you do go wide then opt for something fitted up top to keep the proportions right.
If you really can't live without tights then maybe wear them till mid May (I would have said later before all the global warming kicked in) and just make sure that you only go out first thing and last thing at night.
Mine will be stapled onto my legs, probably till the end of June.
Still, it's good to be different. Isn't it?